2009 – sommercamp

The project sommercamp+workstation=2009 by DOCK e.V. was meant as a practical example of the feasibility of a “laboratory for art and media in Berlin” carrying on the idea of TESLA – medialab.  The starting point of the four-month project was the sommercamp from 10th to 16th of August – a module to work and generate ideas, with ten open workshops and two days of final presentations on 15th/16th of August 2009 at the House of World Culture and a kick-off on 14th August 2009 at the radialsystem. The second part of the project was the workstation – intended as project production support – with three project residencies and a curatorial grant that are produced in close collaboration with local and international partners. A discursive weekend toke place from 20 to 21 November 2009 with the invited artists/projects and experts from science and technology at Berlin based general public, in collaboration with DISK/ctm.

The project will kick off with the sommercamp from the 10th to the 16th of August 2009 in the foyer and the studios at House of World Culture with a number of different open workshops. Workshops are an ideal form to sketch new approaches, to build interdisciplinary bridges and above all to soften the borders between artist, thinker and practitioner on the one side and a passive audience on the other side. Workshops are “detectors” to test new working and communication models, catalysts of ideas and indicators for their relevance and acceptance. The invited workshops/artists/thinkers are exemplary for very different approaches to art and technology, for individual working methods, communication models and organisation structures.

sommercamp is devided in 3 workshop clusters:

A] World as Representation: systems and simulation.
B] Re:Discovering Sound an Instrument-building Workshop
C] Ways of Doing. Approaches, Manuals, Tactics, Strategies and the Operational Art

The single workshops will be open for public (with registration – see workshop clusters). After the one-week-workshop phase a final presentations will take place on 15  August 2009 4PM at the House of World Culture. All workshop results will be shown until the 16 August. Please find a detailed schedule here >>>.

Already on August 9. the workshop leaders will introduce themself with a Performance-evening at ausland.

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